Discover the subjects taught at secondary level at Lycée Albert I.
Science subjects
- Mathematics
- Physics and chemistry
- Life and earth sciences
- Scientific methods and practices (MPS)
- Engineering sciences
Literature - Humanities
- French
- French literature
- Latin
- Greek
- Philosophy
- Economic and social sciences
- History/geography - International Option (IO)
- History IO - French
- History/geography – European Section (EU)
- History/geography
- Advanced economics
- Social and political sciences
Modern languages
- English (IO, European, traditional)
- Spanish
- Chinese
- German
- Italian
- Russian
- Monegasque
- German, English, Spanish, Italian literature
- Music
- Visual arts
- Drama
- Physical and Sports Education
- Swimming
Technology subjects
- Basic principles of economics and management (PFEG)
- Economics and law
- Organisational management
- Management sciences
- Marketing
- Management and finance
- Human resources and communications
- Energy and environment
General studies and expression
- Economics, law and management
- Optimisation of administrative processes
- Project management
- Support for human resource management
- Professional skills workshops and applied economics, law and management
The specific areas studied as part of the BTS Accounting and Organisational Management are as follows:
- General studies and expression
- Applied mathematics
- Management
- Economics
- Law
- Accounts processing and auditing for commercial transactions/Auditing and production of financial information
- Management of tax liability/Management of employee relations
- Business analysis and forecasting/Financial analysis
- Reliability of accounting information and information systems
- Professional skills workshops
The specific areas studied as part of the DCG are as follows:
- Corporate law
- Corporate finance
- Advanced accountancy
- Tax law
- Management
- Management auditing
- Employment law
- Accounting requirements specific to Monaco