Careers guidance

Ms Valérie Lemonnier, the careers guidance advisor, is available to pupils on Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays from 8 am to 4 pm.

Her responsibilities as careers guidance advisor at Lycée Albert I can take many forms, but the focus of this role is to provide individual advice and support to young people as they formulate their plans for the future. Ms Lemonnier conducts individual sessions which aim to help pupils take stock of their progress at school and make informed choices and decisions.

While information provides the basis for considering and developing future plans, Ms Lemonnier’s role also involves teaching pupils to assess their own abilities, identify their strengths and weaknesses, gain a clear picture of their preferences, and acquire the skills that will guide them throughout their lives. The overall aim is to ensure that pupils pursue a realistic plan for their future studies, which matches both their abilities and their interests.

In order to arrive at a more detailed assessment of each pupil’s situation, Ms Lemonnier frequently works closely with the teaching, pastoral and psychological and social teams. She also holds meetings with families at their request.

Contact :
Phone: (+377) 98 98 44 00
Mail :

To go further

Qu'est-ce que le Parcours Avenir ?

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